
2015年4月7日 星期二

憶「加拿大- 班夫小鎮」之旅

憶「加拿大- 班夫小鎮」之旅

旅居加拿大多年, 猶記那年秋天, 第一次去班夫小鎮, 當遊覽車進入「班夫國家公園」,這是加拿大第一個, 也是歷史最悠久的國家公園, 映入眼簾的是不可思議的美 ,是一種不知道如何去形容她的美, 那時我腦中一片空白, 嘴角不自覺上揚, 心中油然而生一種快樂,這是被眼前畫面所感動的。那種天然壯闊的高山, 可以用「原始」來形容, 沿路, 大樹、大湖、白雪更迭變換...

班夫小鎮在「班夫國家公園」中, 來自各地遊客聚集到這裡。 我就在一間溫馨民宿 , 放下行李, 這裡房子大多2、3樓高, 簡單乾淨的外牆, 白色、淺藍色...偶夾雜著搶眼的黃色。隔日清晨, 戶外濃濃秋意, 沒有目的漫遊, 倚著橋邊啜飲熱巧克力, 河岸對面出現的一支馬隊, 正在忙著準備提供遊客騎馬環繞小鎮的服務

不論你是來自亞洲、還是歐美, 在這裡, 除了在地的歐美餐廳以外, 有日式, 韓式、還有中式餐點。我選擇一個中式餐點, 想試試它的口味是否道地

一個森林中的小鎮, 一杯熱巧克力, 一種心靈的恬靜

澎湖班夫小鎮民宿 鎮長Gary 轉述

Recalled my first visit to Banff, one of the Canada's first and oldest National Park, I was astonished by its incredible presence of Mother Nature . Its presence is so incredible and surreal that words cannot seem to justify its beauty. Sense of joy quickly conquered my consciousness as I lost myself walking along the trail inside this serene wilderness.

Banff is located inside the heart of the National Park, gathering tourists from around the globe for a chance to see the world-renowned scenery. The homes here are about two and three storey tall, simple plain white exterior with a occasional yellow. And here I am sitting inside one of the resorts , unloaded my luggage. The next morning, I wondered around the streets without purpose, sipping hot chocolate, overlooking a orderly marching horses ready to bring tourists through the Park.

Whether you're from Asia, Europe or North America, here it offers restaurants that will suit your taste. I gave Chinese Cuisine a try, hoping to taste something I have almost forgotten since I moved to Canada years ago.

A place of wonders within the embrace of Mother Nature.

by Gary

澎湖民宿-班夫小鎮度假民宿 www.ibanff.tw 愛班夫

facebook 粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/IBanff.tw

Line ID: @ibanff

